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Linens & Loaves Bread Drop!

A Minnesota Waldorf Holiday Fair favorite, Linens & Loaves will be offering a Sourdough bread drop exclusively to the Minnesota Waldorf School Community on Monday March 18th. Pre-order now and choose from two sizes of their beautiful organic sourdough loaves. (Loaves are 860g pre bake and the minis are roughly 420g pre bake) These loaves freeze well so stock up while you can!

Linens and Loaves is a MN based Home Microbakery that specializes in Organic Artisan Sourdough operating with a Cottage Food License. Each loaf is made with locally milled flour from Sunrise Flour Mill, Celtic Sea Salt, Local Honey, and Filtered Water. Wrapped sustainably with no plastic, the brown paper used is compostable, but also makes a great addition to crafts for kids!

Pre-Ordering has closed.