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Celebrating the return of light: Candlemas

Our traditional Candlemas festival at the Minnesota Waldorf School has its roots in the many cultural/religious traditions that mark the time of year falling about halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. In Celtic traditions, this time is known as Imbolc. Jewish custom prescribed a purification ritual after the birth of a child. Candlemas is also celebrated in the Christian faith as the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple.

Candlemas is a celebration day of renewal and hope. It takes its name from the traditional making and blessing of new candles at home and in churches at this time of year. Candlemas marks the time of year when we can now experience and appreciate the gradual return of the light and lengthening of the day. In olden times and depending on where one made their home, by early February people could now rise without candlelight, and there was a belief that hibernating animals (e.g., the groundhog) would wake up on Candlemas Day to see if it was still winter.

This year we will be dipping candles on Friday, Feb. 9th, the candles being dipped will be the candles used in next winter’s advent spiral.

Contact the front office if you would like to join us and volunteer to help.

Learn more about other Minnesota Waldorf Festivals.