Subject Teacher Glimpse: Circus Arts, Russell Harris Movement & Games
The Circus is Coming! Friday, February 28, 2pm. We look forward to seeing you there!
I don’t know if you have heard but….THE CIRCUS BLOCK HAS STARTED!
We began our circus block this year following our Thanksgiving break with our show scheduled for February 28th inside the Festival Hall. During this time we have covered a lot of new skills and expanded on some old favorites.
Lower Grades Movement & Games
In first grade I sprinkle in games that involve the aerial apparatuses without focusing on skill building techniques that will come later. The aim is to make having circus equipment around just seem normal and not something scary. My favorite example is wrapping them up in the knotted silks in a little cocoon and spinning them as they giggle. I usually tell them a story about a great spider in the woods that will wrap them up but that everyone the spider wraps up just turns into a butterfly and escapes. I also introduce balancing with peacock feathers at this time and if you want to be reminded of joy and wonder in the world then give a first grader a peacock feather.
In second grade they are introduced to basic shapes on lyra and silks and begin to learn how to hit a minitramp (miniature trampoline) with intention. They also begin to walk across the tight wire and on the globes with assistance.
In third grade is generally where the walking globe “clicks” and it is kind of amazing to watch how happy they get when they figure it out. Pogo sticks also become a big interest and I find the physics involved in a third grader trying to generate enough force to keep a pogo stick going and stabilize it is interesting to watch, they get so much joy from so little initial progress and that is an important aspect of circus arts, taking joy in small gains. I also start them hooking their knees on the lyra and triple trapeze and cleaning up their back straddles on silks. They are also more independent with tight wire and globe and begin to experiment on their own with the globe.
In fourth grade they go through what I call “an explosion of self”. They have a favorite apparatus or prop and they reaaaaaaally want to explore it. I work to prioritize them getting time on their favorite apparatus. In short, the feeling of silks and lyra are so different that they physically hurt in different ways. Asking someone to spend too much time on an uncomfortable apparatus can do more damage, both emotional and physical, than good. This year we have introduced a higher focus on basic tumbling techniques.
In fifth grade we have been focusing a lot on building silks skills. This year, the fifth grade is a prime example of what I mean when I say that circus arts has a way of inspiring people to bigger things in a healthy way. Last year, one half of the class learned the first part of an intermediate-level silks drop. This year, the other half have been working REALLY hard to learn it, while the first half from last year is learning the second part. Half the class just said, “Wait…I think I can do that too,” and have been putting in the work.
Middle School Movement & Games
Sixth through eighth grade students begin to settle into preferred apparatuses and props even more and begin to learn to string multiple shapes or tricks together. Along with that….
In sixth grade, each student gets time with their preferred aerial apparatus or prop. As a group, we have enjoyed working fundamental partner balance skills. The fundamental necessity for partner balance is communication, which builds trust. It has been a joy to watch them learn to hold each other’s weight and know that they can trust that they will work to keep each other safe. Seventh and eighth grades experience their circus block together. As they put time into their preferred disciplines, we get into more conditioning drills as well as partner balancing skills.
I hope you will join me Friday, Feb. 28th to see these wonderful children shine!