Advent Season at The Minnesota Waldorf School

Winter is quickly approaching in the Northern Hemisphere and the world of nature appears to be going to sleep. The daylight hours are growing shorter and we experience long nights of darkness. The celebration of Advent, filled with expectation, is a time of moving through the darkness toward the yearly rebirth of the light, when the days begin to grow longer. The word “advent” means arriving, and this season is celebrated in many traditions as the time of waiting which precedes the arrival of light in the midst of the dark winter. It is a time of hope and anticipation within a time of mystery and quiet contemplation.

Advent season is also a tool that invites people of all faith to deepen their spirituality, understanding of themselves and others, and our place in the universe. It challenges us to grow our connection to the world, the rocks and minerals, plants and animals.

At the Minnesota Waldorf School we mark the four weeks of Advent in the classroom. Beginning the week of December 4, we may light a candle on our Advent wreath, perhaps open a window on our Advent calendar, and recite a special verse. Each week we honor a different kingdom of nature: mineral, plant, animal and human, until at last, we have completed the circle. (To access all four Advent verses, click here.)

At Friday Gathering December 6 and 13 we will sing and hear stories that evoke the mood of this special time of year. You are welcome to join us!

  • Week 1: The Mineral Kingdom Grades Verse The first Light of Advent Glows warmly in stones, Glimmering in crystals And seashells and bones.
    Early Childhood Verse: The first light of Advent Is the light of the stones Light that shines through Seashells, crystals and bones.

  • Week 2: The Plant Kingdom Grades Verse The second Light of Advent Breathes brightly through plants Weaving living sunlight In the world’s wide expanse.
    Early Childhood Verse: The second light of Advent Is the light of the plants Plants that reach to the sun, And in the breezes, dance.

  • Week 3: The Animal Kingdom Grades Verse The third Light of Advent Through animals sings As the light of their eyes And the rhythm of wings.
    Early Childhood Verse: The third light of Advent Is the light of the beasts The light of hope that shines, In the greatest and the least.

  • Week 4: Humankind Grades Verse The fourth Light of Advent In the human soul is borne As the Child of Holy Love On Blessed Christmas Morn.
    Early Childhood Verse: The fourth light of Advent Is the light of man The light that shines love to give and understand.

In the dark of night, the spiral path of evergreen boughs leads to a light shining from the center. Each child, carrying a candle, travels alone to light their candle. As they move out along the spiral, they place their candle along the path, its single light joining with others to create an ever-strengthening glow. Growing out of autumn’s deepening inwardness, there begins to stir a longing, an expectation, a hope. Advent is a time of looking forward, of anticipation, of preparation for the return of the light. We are looking towards the midnight of the year, and to that turning point when the shortest day is past and the sun turns earthward again with the promise of light, warmth and life renewed.We have entered into these darkest days of the year strengthened by Michaelmas and ignited in compassion by Martinmas. With the Advent Spiral we begin the next journey of the festival cycle.

Early Childhood Advent Spiral: Festival Hall
Monday December 4th, Preschool 8:45am, Kindergarten 10am

Grades Advent Spiral: Festival Hall
Wednesday December 4th, 6 pm 

Our Grades Advent Spiral will take place on Wednesday, December 4th in the Festival Hall. The festival itself will start at 6:00, but families are requested to arrive at school between 5:45 and 5:55. Children should enter the school through the door closest to their classroom and will meet their teachers in their classrooms while parents will find a seat in the festival hall. The school will be dimly lit prior to the start of the Advent Spiral, and fully darkened as the festival begins. Students are encouraged to dress up for this special festival, but the Advent Spiral does feature open flame. Flowy dresses, sweaters, and scarves are best saved for other occasions and long hair should be tied back. 

Following the Spiral, students will return to their classrooms where they may be picked up by their parents. Parents are welcome to walk the spiral once the children have returned to their classrooms. We kindly request that siblings who are not yet in the grades, wait to walk this special spiral until they are old enough.

The atmosphere of the Advent Spiral is quiet, peaceful, and reverent. Creating such an atmosphere at home and in the car both before and after the ceremony enriches the experience for the children.


Candlemas: Celebrating the Return of Light


Subject Teacher Glimpse: Reflections on El Dia de los Muertos